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Want to Be a Travel Blogger? Here Is What You Need to Do!

Want to Be a Travel Blogger? Here Is What You Need to Do!

Are you interested in being a travel blogger but don’t know where to start? Travel blogging can be a great pastime that might even turn into your full-time career. Figuring out the ins and outs of travel blogging can be challenging, so we’ve streamlined it into five important travel blogging tips to help you!

Study Travel Blogs You Like

Before you begin creating your own travel blog content, it’s important that you study popular travel blogs. When figuring out how to be a travel blogger, you need to learn what makes other travel bloggers popular and successful:

    • Read popular content. There’s a lot to learn from popular travel bloggers. Reading their content can show you what type of topics are popular, what don’t do as well, and what kind of content is a hit with viewers. Learning what’s popular and what does well can help you decide on what kind of content you’re interested in writing and figure out the type of niche you want to focus on.
    • Study their social media. Study which social media travel bloggers are using and how they are using the platform. See what works for others, and try using the same platforms for yourself. Learn from them, and at the same time, look at where you can add your own personal twist!
    • Learn where they promote themselves. Seeing how other travel bloggers promote themselves can help you figure out how to successfully promote your material as well. Are other travel bloggers focusing on social media for promotion? Purchasing advertisements or selling merchandise? Consider the strategies that others use in order to help your own content do well.

Figure Out Your Persona

When you begin the journey of how to become a travel blogger, you’re going to want to figure out exactly what type of persona you’re going to publish. Are you an aloof travel blogger who focuses on nature and sightseeing? Are you laidback, and prefer to find the best relaxation spots? Find who you are and focus on it.

In the travel blogging world, it’s also important to be specific with the type of content that you are producing. There’s blogging content for almost any topic under the sun, but what will set you apart from the others is staying unique and specific. Narrow all of your travel blogging content to your specific interest. Write for this specific audience whenever you produce content.

Create Your Online Presence

Creating your online presence is one of the most important travel blogging tips. At this point, you’ve already decided on your persona. Now you need to create your online presence to reflect this. This step includes focusing on your social media presence, website, and coming up with a catchy title and name.

First, decide on your social media presence. Your travel blog might be different from how you present yourself on your personal accounts. On these social media accounts, you’ll want to focus on promoting the same type of content that you would write about. If you want to focus on food, then post pictures, videos, or other content of that, and so on!

You’ll also want to establish your name and catchy title in this step. Choosing what your blog is going to be called and what name you’ll go by is important. Title all your social media accounts under this same name to keep everything cohesive. You can also consider paying designers, SEO content professionals, or social media experts to help get your online presence established!

Marketing, Marketing, Marketing

Promoting your blog everywhere that you can is extremely important to getting your blog popularity. Becoming a successful travel blogger can take a lot of trial and error. In order to even get an audience, you need to market your content.
Marketing your content includes both free and paid for options. These include:

  • Cross-promotion on other accounts. If you have other social media accounts, such as personal pages or other accounts that you run, cross-promote your blog here. Post links to your blog content, share posts you’ve made, or link to your social media accounts. This is a great free way to market yourself.
  • Get others to share your content. Ask close friends, networking connections, and businesses you know well to share or promote your content. Sharing or linking your blog or website is completely free for them, and many will be willing to help you get started if you just ask.
  • Pay for advertising. Buying advertisements on Google, social media platforms, and even sites such as Youtube can help you promote your travel blog. While this does require payment, it’s a great way to start getting interactions with your content. You could also consider creating and selling products that promote your blog or content as well, including writing a book, selling t-shirts, and more.

Never Give Up

Ultimately, it’s important to stay persistent while travel blogging. Trying to become a successful blogger isn’t always going to feel rewarding. You’ll have content that only gets a small amount of interaction, or post blogs that don’t hit it off with the audience. There’s a lot of trial and error.

If you’re truly passionate about travel blogging, it’s important to focus on that feeling and never give up on your passion. There may be a lot of failures, but all of these will build up to something great if you stay motivated and persistent. Remember, the more posts and content you produce, the more likely it is that someone will interact with it!

Give Travel Blogging a Chance!

If you’re looking for a new career or pastime, give travel blogging a chance. For full-time travelers, like RVers, or those who love to spend their free time exploring, travel blogging is a great way to share your experiences with the world. Never find yourself without internet while traveling! Visit Nomad Internet to get a plan crafted for travelers like yourself.

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